
Sophomore Co-Capts. Picked by Ski Squad

Two sophomores, Jonathan K. Chaffee and Mark A. Jensen, have been elected co-captains of next year's ski team.

Chaffes, of Adams House and Lyme. N.H., won the most laurels for this year's squad and proved to be the most outstanding skier. The former Junior National cross-country runner came in third in the Eastern Intercollegeiate Ski Championships and took first place in cross-country at the St. Lawrence Carnival. Chaffee's performance in the Easterns marks the first time Harvard has finished in the top five places.

Jonsen, of Quincy House and Seattle, Wash., was one of the teams steadiest performers, ending the year as senior member of the alpine squad--the slalom and downhill skiers.

In its last meet of the season, the ski team finished ninth in the NCAA Championships held at Dartmouth on March 6-7.
