
69 University Seniors Receive Wilson Grants

Fifty-five seniors from Harvard and 14 from Radcliffe have won Woodrow Wilson Fellowships this year, more than at any other college in the country.

This number ties last year's record total and makes this the third year in a row that Harvard has led the nation in these awards. In 1962-63 Harvard had 32 winners.

Woodrow Wilson Fellowships are awarded to college seniors planning a career in teaching. A Wilson Fellow receives full tuition and fees for the first year at the graduate school of his choice, plus a stipend of $1800 and dependency allowances. This year 1507 seniors won awards from a field of over 11,000 students, representing a total of 904 colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.

This year's Harvard winners are: Donald A. Bloch; David A. Brown; Jeff Cheeger; Stanley F. Cohen; Timothy E. Connor; Lawrence J. Corwin; Keith M. Cushman; W. Bowman Cutter III; Robert H. Donaldson; John B. Dunlop; Barry M. Dym; Joseph W. Esherick; Nicholas W. Fels; David S. Forman; Douglas G. Frame; Donald Gertmenian; Raymond E. Glazier, Jr.; Robert L. Goldberg; Harold R. Goodyear; Richard H. Grossman; Gerald O. Grow; Alfred F. Guzzetti; Gordon P. Harper; Wilbur D. Hart III; John J. Hartman; Peter H. Herman; Paul L. Hoch; and Paul S. Hoff.

Also: Duncan M. Kennedy; Clayton T. Koelb, Jr.; Leslie Lessinger; John M. Lewis; Richard H. Masland; Leonard A. Merewitz; Frederick V. Mulhauser; Carl D. Offner; David F. Phillips; Michael D. Platt; Joe A. Porter; Marc J. Roberts; Edward K. Schmookler; George S. Shapiro; James C. Sherburne; William F. Sibley; Nathaniel B. Smith; Martin C. Spechler; Michael R. Stein; John E. Terrell; Andreas W. Teuber; Stephen N. Thomas; Kenneth L. Tigar; Stephen F. Tobias; Richard Weisskoff; Francis A. Westbrook III; and John C. Wilcox.


The Radcliffe winners are: Jane D. Andelman; Jean Ann Burg; Susan E. Carey; L. Christie Dickason; Ann M. Graybiel; Lorella M. Jones; Lillian M. Li; Stephanie Raushenbush; Mrs. Antonia Kern Ridington; Nancy L. Silverman; Mrs. Dorothy Giles Souvaine; Gail E. Thain; Mrs. Marilyn Robinson Waldman; and Emily Zack.
