
'Cliffe Will Subsidize Trial Bus Runs

President Bunting has agreed to subsidize the HSA Radcliffe bus service for its two week trial period, John W. Harmon '65, HSA sponsor, said yesterday. If enough 'Cliffies ride the bus, Radcliffe may pay for its permanent operation.

About 200 enthusiastic 'Cliffies have been riding the bus each day, according to Harmon, but twice that number are needed for the service to break even. HSA organizers are increasing publicity and praying to cold, wet weather to encourage more girls to take the bus.

Radcliffe will pay the difference between the cost of chartering the bus and dimes collected for the trial runs, and further plans will depend on the results of these first two weks. Mrs. Bunting has suggested that RGA might serve as a sounding board to consider financial arrangements for a permanent service. Harmon reported that paid HSA members would, in any case, continue to manage the runs and deal with any legal questions.

So far, all bus riders have been female, Harmon said, except one two-year-old boy who convinced his mother to let him go three times back and forth. To objections by some 'Cliffies that walking is more healthful than riding the bus, Harmon countered that riding a heated bus is undoubtedly better than walking around in most Cambridge weather. "All we nede are a few cold days," he added confidently.

And, he pointed out, 'Cliffies on one of Monday's trips got plenty of exercise when they had to push parked cars out of the way before the bus could turn down Shepard St.
