
William James Center May Lead To New Union of Soc Rel, Psychology

An unusual federation of the Departments of Social Relations and Psychology may result from the construction of the William James Center, the new behavioral sciences building, according to Edwin B. Newman, lecturer on Psychology and director of the Psychological Laboratories.

The $6 million structure is scheduled to be completed by November. Its 16 floors will house the two departments, which are currently scattered among 18 separate locations.

"The new building will very measurably increase the crossing of departmental lines and should lead to better understanding and communication between members of the two departments," Newman stated last night.

"Researchers in psychology and social relations are more liekly to perceive that they are conducting overlapping enterprises," he said, "if they can get on an elevator and talk to each other rather than having to walk half a mile."

Division Called Artificial


The artificial division of the behavioral sciences into Social Relations and Psychology has resulted in two "uncertain affiliations of interest," Newman continued. The fields of sociology, social anthropology, and clinical, experimental and social psychology, are logically related to each other and should be combined in some way, Newman stated. He said that they are now divided haphazardly between the two departments.

He added that the amalgamation would not be unprecedented because the two departments had been closely allied during the 1930's.

Departments Will Share Labs

Of the 16 floors in the new building, seven and one-half will be occupied by the Department of Social Relations, and five by the Department of Psychology. One and one-half floors will be devoted to common laboratories, lecture rooms, and lounges, and two floors will remain unfinished pending the availability of more money.
