
Brandeis May Require Open Doors For Visits During Parietal Hours

"Open house hours" will probably become "open door hours" at Brandeis University in an administration announcement expected some time today, informed sources at the Waltham campus said last night.

Under a new university policy decided upon after more than two months' discussion of the issue, students who have-lsitors of the opposite sex in their rooms would be required to keep the doors open at all times. The rule will probably take effect on Monday.

The actual parietal hours will remain the same. They permit visits to men from 2 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Friday; from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Saturday; and from 1 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Sunday. Men may visit women's room Sunday from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Students at Brandeis expressed surprise as rumors of the expected change spread through the campus yesterday. President Abram Sachar, they charged, had bypassed the special "Campus Environment Committee" set up to discuss the issue, and had made the decision himself.

Sachar explained his decision at a meeting with several Student Council members yesterday afternoon, when he reportedly suggested that he wanted to rid Brandeis of its "permissive atmosphere". The president said it was very unlikely that he would change his mind before the official announcement. Debate over parietals began at Brandies in December, when the administration based an explosive situation with a promise that their review of the situation would include consultation with students.


Vie Hausner, outgoing president of the Brandeis Student Council, said last night that any formal Council objection to the ruling would be withheld until next week. He suggested, however, that there were "thousands of plans for protest, some sophisticated and intelligent, and others not."
