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One of the most dramatic manifestations of tension with its consequent lowering of morale is the student rlot. In the college setting morale is a complicated structure related to the expectations of parents, of students, of faculty, and of alumnl . . .

In his formal and informal contacts around the college, the psychiatrist can promote healthy morale by exerting an influence on the side of thoroughly explained rules and regulations, thoughtful and dellberate administrative judgements, and reasonable and appropriate punishments. He should also support academic programs that accommodate the development of individual values at least as much as they emphasize arbitrarily selected facts. In his contacts outside the treatment room, the psychiatrist should understand the learning process an an Intensely personal experience, helping both teacher and student develop respect for the interpersonal relationship that stubtends their Intellectual endeavors. From Farnsworth and Munter "Role of the College Psychiatrist" In Blaine and McArthur EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS OF THE STUDENT.


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