
Goldwater Supporters Rap Biased Reporting

The Harvard-Radcliffe Goldwater for President Club decided on a program last night to neutralize alleged inaccurate reporting of Goldwater's campaign.

"It is more appropriate that we direct such energy as we have towards an explanation to the Harvard community of the conservative view point, rather than engaging in any-flag waving or tub thumping on behalf of the candidate," H. Woodruff Turner 3L, the chairman of the group, told 25 participants.

Woodruff sharply criticized a Law School group known as the "Truth Squad" which has followed Goldwater through, out New Hampshire, and questioned him agressively about his program. "Unlike the Senator's detractors, we will not indulge in any negative campaigning," Woodruff said.

Goldwater's Stand Clarified

The club plans to publish occasional "position papers" clarifying Goldwater's stand on major issues. The first will deal with civil rights and should appear within two weeks, according to Stephen A. Ellis L3, the communications director of the club. Other activities will include door-to-door campaigning in New Hampshire, and organizing Goldwater discussion groups throughout the University.


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