To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
As a matter of record, I would like to correct some of Faye Levine's figures on the class of 1968, as she used them in her recent CRIMSON article [Nov. 10].
The class of 1968 has more, not fewer girls, who did their secondary school work in public schools throughout the country. That portion of the class which comes from New England is not so significantly different from previous years to warrant an assumption of change since New England percentages run: 28% in 1968; 23% in 1967; 27% in 1966; 28% in 1965. It must be added that in a class of 300, the difference of several girls adds up to a percentage change.
Finally, it is true that girls are admitted to Radcliffe without consideration of an independent versus public ratio of schools in the process. Such statistical data is compiled long after the class has been admitted.
One can admire imaginative editorial assumptions based on accurate statistics but Miss Levine did not check her figures. Margaret Stimpson Dean of Admissions
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