Those who wish to test their critical standards against a great Egyptologist's or simply fill up the time between Bogart movies, may wish to investigate the following representative sampling of "A" titles:
Alington, Cyril, Crime on the Kennet.
Bailey. H. C., The Bishop's Crime.
Barry, Charles, Death Overseas.
Barnett, Glyn. There's Money in Murder.
Brandon, John G., Death in Downing Street.
----- Murder at "The Yard!" Buchanan, Carl. The Black Cloak Murders.
Burton, Miles, Death Leaves No Card.
----- Murder in the Coalhole. Bush, Christopher, The Case of the Climbing Rat.
Cole. G. D. H. and Margaret, Greek Tragedy.
----- Wilson and Some Others, Downing, Todd. The Last Trumpet.
Fielding. A., Murder in Suffolk.
Fitt, Mary, Murder of a Mouse.
Fowler, Sidney, The Jordans Murder.
Goodchild. George, Call McLean.
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