
Houses Vie With Eli Counterparts

Harvard's Houses meet Yale's colleges today in a plethora of football and soccer games. Highlighting the schedule is the championship tackle football game between the two intramural titans, Leverett and Davenport, at 2:30 p.m. on the Webster Fields.

Calhoun, the Yale soccer champion, will meet Kirkland at 2 p.m., and Morse, the titleholder in touch football, will face Kirkland at the same time.

Other tackle football games at 2 p.m. include Kirkland and Calhoun, Eliot and Jonathan Edwards, Dunster and Berkly, and Quincy and Ezra Styles.

At 3:15, contests will match Adams and Timothy Dwight, Dudley and Branford, Lowell and Pierson, and Winthrop and Trumbull.

The Yalies bruised Harvard last year in tackle football. Branford defeated Eliot in the championship, and the other colleges racked up four wins and two ties. The Crimson managed to win only two tilts. Kirkland and Winthrop helped a little by capturing the soccer and touch football crowns respectively.
