
Frosh Soccer Ties Undefeated Brown

Pell Kicks Only Goal As Defense Dominates 1-1 Overtime Struggle

Harvard's freshman soccer team battled Brown through two overtime periods and into the twilight before settling for a 1-1 tie at Providence yesterday. The standoff halted the Bruins' ten game winning streak.

Center forward Haven Pell scored the Crimson's only goal in the second period. He fired a shot that squirted beneath the diving Brown goalie and into the net. The goal raised Pell's season's total to eight, and maintained his record as the team's leading scorer.

Brown tallied early, at 4:40 of the first period. The Bruins' right wing passed the ball across the mouth of the net. Harvard goalie Norris Childs hesitated briefly, and center forward Mark Detora flicked the ball past him. The shot caromed off the post and in to the goal to give Brown a 1-0 lead.

From that point, Harvard's defense took over and choked off the Brown attack, including star forward Vic De Jong. After Pell's goal, the Brown defenders also tightened up, and the last two periods were played largely at the center of the field.

Defense Dominated


Neither team had many shots or scoring opportunities. Except for a few minutes of pressure by the Brown forwards in the fourth period, and a pair of Harvard corner kicks in overtime, defense dominated.

Blemishing unblemished records seems to have become a habit for Harvard coach Dana, Getchell. Every Brown freshman team since 1960 has come into the Harvard game undefeated, and except for yesterday's tie, Getchell and his squad have won every time. Getchell has not lost to Brown since he became the Harvard coach in 1956, winning seven games and drawing two.

Backfield Praised

Getchell gave much of the credit for yesterday's performance to his backfield, manned by Charlie Lotspeich and Dave Wright at fullback, and by Joe Gould, Marsh Azikiwe, Chris Cutler, and Genaro Payan at halfback. Azikiwe played with a broken wrist, still enclosed in a cast.

"I was tickled silly," said Getchell, "We were really playing ball. We played a fine defensive game." Harvard's record now stands at six wins, a loss and a tie.

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