
350 Gather At Common For 'Bury-Barry' Rally

It was cold, it was damp, and only about 350 anti-Goldwater partisans showed up at the Boston Common yesterday afternoon to get in their last licks at the Republican nominee for President. But a motley crew of Barry's boys came by to add a little excitement.

The rally fell far short of a predicated 5000 participants, but those who did attend enthusiastically applauded four speakers attacking Goldwater on every available issue.

Two hundred students marched along Commonwealth Ave. from rallying points at Kenmore Square and M.I.T., but a third line of march from the Dudley St. MBTA Station in Roxbury never materialized.

Except for a few Goldwater supporters who ran through the ranks cheering their candidate, the marchers were quiet and solemn, bearing sings like "Goldwaterism: None Dare Call It Reason" and "Insecurity is a Barry."

Mark DeWolfe Howe '28, professor of Law, drew cheers at the Common when he told the crowd, "Friends, Romans, countrymen, we come to bury Goldwater, not to praise him." He charged that, if elected, Goldwater would put the country in a position "with no national power to deal with problems, no responsibility other than truculence."


A picture of "Goldwater a standing over is witch's brew of extremism, an evil oncoction," was conjured by Canon James P. Breeden, co-chairman of the of the Massachusetts Freedom Movement. Withstanding the boos of Goldwater hecklers, Breeden sharply assailed Goldwater's civil rights record.

Joseph Salerno, international vice president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, charged that Gold- water has blamed President Johnson for "everything, even falling bathing suits. Soon he'll blame him for the San Francisco earthquake."

When Richard Cotton '65, president of the CRIMSON, charged that the "existence of the country is threatened from inside" by Goldwater's candidacy, the anti-Johnson contingent began to chant "We Want Barry." Cotton replied "there used to be 30 Goldwater supporters in Massachusetts, but now they are down to 20. I'm glad to see they're here for their state convention."

In the forefront of the pro-Goldwater forces was Josef Mlot-Mrox, president of The Anti-Communist Confederation of Polish Freedom Fighters in U.S.A., Inc. He bore a large metal cross that said, "Vote Barry. Our Goal--Smash Communism." By the end of the rally it also had many Johnson stickers on it.

Mlot-Mrox interrupted How with the cry, "Hey, professor, rather dead than Red." Howe did not answer, but someone in the crowd suggested that Mlot-Mrox "crucify him."

Many participants in the rally went home with complimentary copies of Phyllis Schlafly's best-seller, A Choice Not an Echo. A man distributing the books confided that they were provided by "some public-spirited citizens."

The anti-Goldwaterites returned the heckling when Jack Molesworth, G.O.P. candidate for Rep. John W. McCormack's Congressional seat, held a pro-Gold-water rally afterwards. He attacked President Johnson's "appeasement" and "hypocrisy" and charged that "left-wing extremists sponsored this hate rally."

But Molesworth was drowned out by Johnson chants and a Bellotti-for-Governor sound truck
