
Polls at Other Schools Show Much LBJ Support

Straw polls taken at colleges across the country show considerable student support for the Johnson-Humphrey ticket. Goldwater sentiment is understandably strongest in Southern colleges; Johnson fans are heavily concentrated in the East. Mid-Westerners are more sharply split. East  Johnson  Goldwater Mount Holyoke  74 per cent  19 per cent Colgate  65 per cent  22 per cent Trinity  60 per cent  35 per cent University of Maine  80 per cent  13 per cent MIT  51 per cent  32 per cent   (13 per cent Lodge) Wellesley  76 per cent  24 per cent Boston College  71 per cent  27 per cent Wheaton  72 per cent  28 per cent Harvard  84 per cent  16 per cent Radcliffe  93 per cent  4 per cent Midwest    Illinois  64 per cent  36 per cent Iowa  66 per cent  34 per cent Michigan State  70 per cent  30 per cent Northwestern  52 per cent  48 per cent Minnesota  55 per cent  45 per cent West    University of Arizona  19 per cent  70 per cent Stanford  60 per cent  30 per cent South    Tulane University  50 per cent  50 per cent Sophie Newcomb College  59 per cent  41 per cent Louisiana State University  30 per cent  70 per cent University of South Carolina  37 per cent  53 per cent University of North Carolina  57 per cent  36 per cent
