
Billy Graham to Give Major Policy Speech While Visiting Boston

Billy Graham will precede his three-day crusade at Harvard next month with an announcement in Boston which he termed "of national importance."

Lance Zavitz, Graham's news bureau chief, said yesterday that the minister's Boston press conference on February 16 will be of major concern, but he refused to discuss details.

Later that week Graham will begin his crusade directed at the Harvard community. On the nights of February 18. 19, and 20, he will speak on Christianity and the Christian Life in Rindge Tech Auditorium.

The visit to the University is part of Graham's effort to carry his message to students everywhere. His trip will not be the usual Graham crusade. He will hold more discussions with listeners than on regular missions. The evangelist is returning to Boston with his entire team for an organized crusade in September

Hans Scherner, '64, chairman of the Harvard Mission Committee, said that Graham will hold a formal question and answer session in Lowell Lecture Hall February 19. On the last day of his stay he will participate in an informal discussion and coffee hour in the Freshman Union.


Several churches and Christian groups in the area invited Graham here late last year.

Graham will arrive in Boston after a student mission in the University of Michigan similar to the one he will conduct here.
