
World & National News

Registration Drive in Selma Continues

SELMA, Ala., Sept. 27--Lilian Gregory, pregnant wife of Negro comedian Dick Gregory, was arrested and jailed along with four other demonstrators after a protest march through Selma this evening.

James Foreman, national director of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, immediately wired Burke Marshall, assistant Attorney General, asking him to press for the release of Mrs. Gregory, who is in her second month of pregnancy.

Foreman also asked Attorney General Robert Kennedy to invoke the Civil Rights Act of 1960 to free from jail some of the demonstrators arrested in Selma since the beginning of a drive to register voters earlier this month. SNCC officials charged that some demonstrators were forced to sleep on concrete floors and others were fed only bread and water while in jail.

Officials of several civil rights groups are now on their way to Selma to inspect the situation. SNCC officials issued an invitation to any interested groups to come observe conditions in Selma while the registration drive continues.


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