
Yale Groups May Invite Gov. Wallace Despite City, University Opposition

Governor George C. Wallace of Alabama may be invited again to speak at Yale, over the objections of both the acting president of the university and the mayor of New Haven.

Joseph I. Lieberman, chairman of the Yale Daily News, said yesterday that "one established group and one group of individuals" were considering asking the governor to appear. He did not elaborate, however.

The Yale Political Union, which sent Wallace a speaking invitation Sept. 17, withdrew it last Thursday after Kingman Brewster, Jr., the university's provost and acting president, warned that Wallace's presence might provoke violence.

A few hours earlier, the city's mayor, Richard C. Lee, had sent Wallace a telegram saying he would be "officially un-welcome" there and informing him that he had asked Yale officials to have the invitation cancelled.

Wallace, in reply, accused Lee of acting out of political motives but offered him complete freedom of speech if he ever came to Alabama.


In their telegram to the governor, officials of the Political Union said they had decided to cancel the engagement because "it has been made clear to us that your presence here would severely impair the relationship between Yale and the New Haven Negro community."

An editorial appearing Friday in the Daily News expressed "shock" at the university's effort to "stifie" Gov. Wallace's voice. A aditorial this morning will urge the administration to have greater faith in the Negro community.

Lieberman said that a telephone poll of Yale students and faculty had revealed almost unanimous support for the newspaper's stand.

Wallace originally planned to come to Yale Nov. 4, as one stop in a speaking tour of the North. He is still scheduled to speak at the University of Pennsylvania on Nov. 6.
