
'Tickle His Tummy' Miss Berates Tells Confused, Lonely 'Cliffie Soph

Dear Miss Berates...

Editor's note: Despite its serens, happy exterior, the Summer School is actually a turbulent breeding ground of emotional traumas. Since most students are too shy to discuss their problems with Health Service personnel, and because few have confidence in the columnists who paddle instant psychoanalysis in the local tabloids, the great majority of emotional disturbances grow and fester, leaving ugly scars on the victims.

This summer, however, students eager to find answers for their most vexing problems have been turning in increasing numbers to Miss Radcliffe Berates, a highly attractive, brilliantly articulate and piercingly perceptive 'Cliffie. With her talent for sharp, concise, penetrating analysis, Miss Berates has often been able to find solutions that have eluded the most highly paid analyists.

In this issue the Summer News proudly presents a few of the many letters in Miss Berates' file. If you have a problem, write to Miss Berates, care of the Harvard Summer News, 14 Plympton St., Cambridge 38, Mass.

Dear Miss Berates:

Last Saturday, I was very insulted at this party. There were all these girls who, when I said I went to Harvard, said that they preferred Yale men. What should I do? CRIMSON


Dear Crimson: Transfer to Yale.

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Dear Miss Berates:

When I was very young my Father told me that sooner or later I would have to solve my Oedipla deliemma. Since I did not then know what means Oedipla dliemma nor could I then nor can I now even spel Oedipla deliiemma, I was, to say the least, confused. I went to my mother to find out what means Oedipla deliemea, and there developed between us a lasting relationship. I have recently found out what means Oedipla delimme and my question to you is how do I go about solving my Oedipla delimma and also how do you spell delimmer.   M.F.

Dear M.F.: D-i-l-e-m-m-a.

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Dear Miss Berates:

I am 5 ft 3 in. tall, have blond hair and blue eyes, and live in Briggs Hall during the school year. I was appalled to discover during my freshman year that Harvard boys disdain Radcliffe girls. I have always been considered attractive and did not anticipate social difficulties in college. As you are, I assume, a socially active 'Cliffie, I wish you would tell me your secret.   LONELY CLIFF-DWELLER

Dear Lonely:

Beneath the suavely sophisticated exterior of each and every Harvard boy there beats a soft and mushy heart. The secret is simply to attack the heart and not the suavely sophisticated exterior.
