
Many Faculty Appointments Mark July

Fifteen appointments to University faculties have been announced during the month of July, including two professorships.

Donald H. Shively will join the Faculty a year from now as professor of Japanese History and Literature. He is currently professor of Japanese at Stanford University.

On July 1 Dr. Charles Regan, Williams, formerly managing director of a research laboratory for the Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, and a past president of the American Industrial Hygiene Association, was named to the Faculty of Public Health as professor of Applied industrial Hygiene.

Promoted this month on the Faculty of Public Health was Dr. Mary O. Amdur; on the staff of the School of Public Health since 1949, she has now become an associate professor of Toxicology.

A former research assistant at Columbus Children's Hospital, Dr. Norman F. Watt, has been appointed assistant professor of Clinical Psychology.


The Graduate School of Education made four new appointments this month. Named as assistant professors of Education were Robert Dreeben, an Oberlin graduate who received his Ph.D. at Harvard in 1962, and Joseph L. Massimo, who joined the School's faculty as instructor in Education in 1962.

James G. Holland, a research psychologist, and Bahjat B. Khielf, a native of Nazareth, Palestine, have been appointed lecturers on Education. Mr. Khielf will also serve as a research associate in the Center for Field Studies of the School of Education.

Dean Jose Luis Sert of the Faculty of Design announced last week that Benjamin Thompson, Cambridge architect and planning adviser for schools and colleges, will be chairman of the Department of Architecture in the School of Design. Mr. Thompson, now a professor of Architecture, was responsible for the conversion of Harvard's 100-years-old Boylston Hall into a Modern Language Center, and for various renovations of older dormitories in Harvard Yard.

Six business scholars have joined the faculty of the Business School. James P. Baughman will become assistant professor of Business History; he is currently Managing Editor of the Business History Review.

Three men have been appointed assistant professors of Business Administration: Joseph L. Bower, Andrew S. Kahr, and Lewis M. Schneider. Named lecturers on Business Administration are George A. Von Peterffy, who has taught since 1959 at the Institute European d'Administration des Affaires in France and Robert T. Sprouse, a visiting lecturer this year at the Business School who has taught at the University of California since 1955 and is now associate professor of Business Administration there.
