
Gay Mixers, Tanglewood Bus Trip, Tour of Plymouth Set for Weekend

The Social Director's office was the scene of frantic activity yesterday, as Director Karin Ordahl and her girl Friday, Mary Jo Martin, prepared for the coming week-end. So varied were the offerings, the young ladies found it hard to decide which activity to push the most.

A record 650 happy, mix-it-up summer students attended the first School mixer last Tuesday, and mixer officials yesterday predicted an equally high turn-out at the second extravaganza tonight. Beginning at 8:30 p.m., the three and a half hour long get-acquainted party will cost but 50 cents, accompanied by a privilege card. Grad students can mingle for free Saturday at the Radcliffe Graduate Center.

Students who are beginning to feel the need to get out of Cambridge, if only for a day, have two possible courses of action Sunday. The Social Director's office is running a bargain tour of historic Plymouth and vicinity. Lasting 7-8 hours, the tour will cost $6 instead of the normal list price of $8.50.

Culture vultures may flock together on another bus, this one headed for Tanglewood and the special concert of the Boston Symphony and the Summer Chorus. The $8.50 ticket price includes scenic transportation and a reserved seat at Tanglewood. All those with limited cases of wanderlust should make arrangements for either trip by noon today in Matthews 4.
