1842Born, New York City, January 11 1842-44 James family in Europe 1852-55 School in New York 1856-58 School and tutors in England and France 1859-60 School and tutors, Switzerland and Germany 1860-61 painting with W.M. Hunt 1861 Enters Harvard 1864 Enters the Medical School 1865-66 With Agassiz expedition in Brazil 1867-68 Europe, Mainly Germany 1869 M.D., Harvard 1869-72 Ill-health and recovery 1873 Instructor in anatomy and physiology at Harvard 1873-74 In Europe, especially Italy 1875 Begins teaching psychology 1878 Marries Alice Howe Gibbens 1879 Begins teaching philosophy 1885 Professor of philosophy 1889 Professor of psychology 1890 Publication of Principles of Psychology 1897 Publication of Will to Believe and Other Essays 1897 Professor of philosophy 1898 Injury to heart 1899-01 Convalescence in Europe 1901-02 Gifford Lectures at Edinburgh 1902 Publication of Varieties of Religious Experience 1905 Trip to Mediterranean 1906 Acting Professor at Stanford University 1907 Publication of Pragmatism 1907 Final resignation from Harvard 1908-09 Hibbert Lectures at Oxford 1909 Publication of A Pluralistic Universe, Meaning of Truth 1910 In Europe 1910 Died, Chocorua, N.H., August 26
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