

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Mr. Cohen gave a fairly good impressionistic report of my speech. However two errors, one of sound, one of sense, crept in, all in one paragraph. I stated that more people were taking drugs out of boredom with what the society gives them. I cited the mass media as throwing shit from a barrel at them in the form of entertainment. As this statement came out in your paper it could be interrpreted [sic] as meaning all people us [sic] drugs out of boredom. It would not do to leave you with this low impression of drug users or drugs. All kinds of people use drugs for all kinds of reasons. May they continue to do so without injury from the narcotic bureau's [sic] and other snoops.

As much as my talk took up the question of America's hypocritical pose of piety and purity, I have no choice but to protest the editorial alchemy of transforming shit into manure. It is this kind of little scratch that leads each person into the gangrene of corruption that so permeats [sic] our newspapers and our politics. Thank you. Leonard Glaser
