
Carpenter Speaks at VAC Dedication

President Pusey officially accepted the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts Monday, saying that he had looked forward to the day for ten years.

Speaking before a gathering of top University officials, Faculty members, and patrons of the Center, Pusey sketched the history of his efforts to obtain a home for the arts at Harvard, and said that "there never was a more generous and more understanding patron" than Alfred St. Vrain Carpenter '05, who donated $1,850,000 for the VAC.

Carpenter, who gave a short speech, brought prolonged applause from the crowd when he told them "This is your building--use it and enjoy it."

Dean Ford, master of ceremonies at the dedication, expressed the hope that the VAC "would become a true center," providing contributions for the community as well as drawing people into its activities.

After the speeches, the guests were invited to tour the building and inspect student work from several design and visual studies courses.
