
Tennis Team Picks Walker Varsity Captain for 1964

Allan E. Walker '64, of Adams House and Washington, D.C., who wasn't even on the varsity tennis team when this season started, has been named captain of the team for next year.

Walker began the year in the number eight position, two spots below the lowest place on the team. But he impressed coach Jack Barnaby with his play on the squad's Southern tour, won two challenge matches to make the top six, and had a highly successful season.

In the Yale match, Walker outstroked his opponent in three sets to give the varsity one of its three singles victories. And in the New England Intercollegiate Tennis Tournament at Dartmouth last weekend, Walker played the best tennis of his life, beating second-seeded Bent Aasnaes of M.I.T. in straight sets and whipping Dave Smoyer, Dartmouth's number one player, in the quarterfinals. He plays teammate Frank Ripley in the semifinals, probably next week.

Walker is a backcourt player, noted or graceful ground strokes that win him the majority of his points, but he also has a strong serve and a good net game.

"Sandy's come a long way in two years, and he'll improve some more before he leaves," says Barnaby. "He's a really fine tennis player."


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