
Shaw, Sheldon, Knox Fellowships Awarded

Stephen W. Botein '63 of Kirkland House and New York City; David S. Cole '63 of Lowell House and New York City; and Robert C. Thompson '63 of Dudley House and Springerville, Arizona.

Frederick Sheldon Prize Fellowships

George A. Goldberg '63 of Quincy House and Mt. Vernon, New York; John McK. Hallowell of Leverett House and Wianno; John R. Maynard '63 of Claverly Hall and Manhasset, New York; and Nicholas P. White '63 of Eliot House and Cambridge.

Frank Knox Memorial Fellowships

Christopher W. Beal '63 of Winthrop House and Winchester; Jeffrey P. Eicholz '63 of Adams House and New York City; Leon I. Jacobson '63 of Quincy House and Belmont; Stephen D. Marcus '63 of Winthrop House and Chicago; Andrew J. Nathan '63 of Lowell House and Pound Ridge, New York; David R. Riggs, Jr. '63 of Claverly and Gladwyne, Pennsylvania; Norman E. Thruston '63 of Eliot House and Exeter, N.H.; and Edwin A. Winckler '63 of Dudley House and Ingomar, Pa.


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