
RGA Ad Hoc Committee Discusses Rules Changes

The Radcliffe Government Association has sent the question of whether Radcliffe's junior and senior social rules should be extended to sophomores to an ad hoc rules committee for study.

Mrs. Bunting, the RGA presidents and the Radcliffe House presidents from the committee, which held its first meeting Monday night. The Masters of Radcliffe's three Houses are ex office members of the group.

Lois Rieser '64, RGA president, said that the body will serve to supervise an investigation of the effect of present junior and senior rules, and will attempt to determine the advisability of extending these rules to sophomores.

According to the motion passed at last Thursday's RGA meeting, the rules committee will present a report at the meeting just preceding Thanksgiving next year. At that time the question could be called on the motion to extend the rules to sophomores.

Mrs. Bunting termed last night's rules committee meeting "just a preliminary discussion. A few people commented on the possible ways to investigate the rules as they presently are." Miss Rieser termed it "a brainstorming session."


Members of the RGA have suggested discussing the problem with psychiatrists at the Health Center, the Radcliffe House Masters and senior residents, and members of social rules committees at other colleges. Miss Rieser stressed last night that although RGA had polled the students on their preferences, little has yet been done to determine whatever desirable or undesirable effects the present rules may have had.

Commenting on the rules evaluation, David C. McClelland, Master of South House, said "at present I don't really have any opinion on the rules. I haven't seen the records yet. When I do I will decide what stand I will take."
