
CEP Debates Credit Soph. Tutorial Plan

A proposal to make sophomore tutorial in History and Literature a credit course starting next year is now being considered by the Faculty's Committee on Educational Policy, the CRIMSON learned yesterday.

Submitted last week, the proposal will, if approved, make History and Literature sophomore tutorial a credit half-course extending throughout the full year. Administrative details, such as whether grades or merely "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory" ratings will be given are not mentioned in the proposal.

Contrary to earlier reports, the History Department has not submitted a similar proposal to the C.E.P. Giles Constable '50, associate professor of History and head tutor in that Department, said last night, the Department plans to go more slowly with plans for credit sophomore tutorial, but that the plans have "by no means been dropped." No formal proposal has been drawn up, but Constable said there is still strong feeling in the department in favor of awarding credit to sophomores. Action might be taken before the end of the year, he noted.

Constable also stated that considerable discussion is now taking place in the History Department on the content of sophomore tutorial itself. Some department members have suggested shifts in tutorial emphasis as a better improvement than awarding course credit to sophomore tutees.

Most history courses are more interpretative in approach now than in the past, Constable said, and many sophomores may need less interpretative material in tutorial. Changes in the tutorial emphasis would not require Faculty or C.E.P. approval.


Constable and several History and Literature tutors said that there had been no formal plan to present the tutorial proposals to the C.E.P. at the same time. The History and Literature Committee had earlier reported that it would wait for the History Department to prepare a proposal before submitting one of its own. The History and Literature Committee decided to present its plan now, however, hoping for full Faculty approval before the beginning of the Fall Term.
