
Lacrossemen to Face Inept Quaker Squad Here This Afternoon

Lacrosse is not a game for kindly folk, as the good Quakers of Pennsylvania amply proved last year. The Red and Blue lost all five of its Ivy League games, including an ignominious 15-3 rout at the hands of the Crimson.

This year the Quakers will again succumb docilely to their heartier Puritan brethren. Having lost its two top scorers by graduation, Penn might even be hard-pressed to score when it plays the Crimson at the Business School field today.

The Crimson, on the other hand, gave signs against Brown Wednesday that its attack is rounding into shape. Led by attackman Tink Gunnoe, who registered one goal and five assists, Harvard's offense showed moments of real promise.

The general tenor of play was ragged, but experience could give the Crimson the consistency and finesse it now sorely lacks.

Penn's feeble attack is combined with a tough defense featuring All-American John Clark, Gerry Lassoff and Jim Arthur, and goalie Mike Roberts. The midfield is not quite as well off. Co-captains Bill Novelli and Brian Duffy team with Peter Ferrebee on the first trio.


The attacking unit, which scored only two goals in losing to Yale last week, is manned by sophomores Dave Buck and Chris Decker and senior Steve Taft.

For the Crimson, Gunnoe will join Lou Williams and Dick Ames on the attack. Gunnoe is now the team's top scorer with three goals and 15 assists
