
Charles Theatre Opens Drive to Repair Loss From $100,000 Blaze

The Charles Playhouse has begun a fund drive to repair losses resulting from a $100,000 fire Feb. 22. The blaze, started by a short circuit, damaged the lobby and box office, but the stage was saved by the theatre's sprinkler system.

Until the fire occurred, the Charles had not missed a performance since it opened six years ago. It has resumed production of O Dad, Poor Dad, a comedy by Arthur L. Kopit '59.

To raise the needed funds, the theatre has sent letters of appeal to 13,000 persons on its mailing lists and has considered benefit performances and cocktail parties featuring various actors.

Directors of the Charles Playhouse have also met with actors and the theatre's staff to plan radio and television campaigns for the repair funds, which one spokesman said are "immediately needed."

The Charles produces mostly twentieth century works by authors such as Brecht, Shaw, and O'Neill. A production of Othello is planned for this spring.
