
Nat Sci 6 Will Require No Science Preparation

Nat Sci 6 will "attract all the least energetic minds in the University," the creator of the course, William W. Howells '30, professor of Anthropology, said yesterday.

Howells will assume no previous knowledge in any science, making his course the only Nat Sci without prerequisites. No mathematics will be necessary in the course, which will be given for the first time next year.

Historical and Biological Approach

Entitled "Man's Place in Nature," the course will have a historical and biological approach to anthropology. However, Howells said that "it is not meant to be a bio course in the sense of formal biology." Replacing Anthropology 10, it will review the past hundred years of evolutionary theory and end with a presentation of current thought. The behavior of other primates will be emphasized as a key to understanding man.

According to F. Skiddy von Stade Jr., Dean of Freshmen, the new course will prevent a repetition of the problem which arose this year when 46 freshmen lacked the prerequisites for any Nat. Sci course. Every freshman who wanted one eventually found a course, said von Stade, but he noted that "even Nat Sci 4 assumes some knowledge of chemistry."


Enrollment Limited

Enrollment in the new course will be limited to 150 students, "largely because it's going to be fairly hard to get teaching fellows." The course will not follow the organization of any text, leaving the responsibility of organization to the section men.

Nat Sci 6 will be taught primarily by Howells and a second lecturer still to be appointed. However other University scientists are expected to give occasional lectures.

Anthropology majors will still be required to take Anthropology lab, since the courses will in no way overlap. They will probably be permitted to apply the Gen. Ed. course toward their concentration requirements.

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