
Scholarship and Life

University policy is always complex. Ramifications lurk in the shadow of every act that looms in the pitiless sun of time. Concatenations foul the keel of the administration propelled by decision. Thus it is with no little circumspection that the University must approach the task presented it by 2250 insurgent undergraduates.

For cleaning the air of Lamont is not a deed to be taken lightly, though all demand it with suffocating, gagging breaths. By raising the issue in its poll on the libraries, the HCUA has plunged the Administration into the very vortex of a maelstrom of complexities.

What, for example will be the effect of air on the study habits of the thousands of students who, every month, now challenge the turbid stench? Will it weaken the program of freshman seminars? Will it attract or repel the junior faculty? And, assuming a Federal grant is available to support the purification, will accepting such funds upset the balance of the University?

Not to mention what might happen if they fix the lights.
