The following organizations have elected officers since the beginning of the term:
Harvard-Radcliffe International Relations Council: Danny J. Boggs '65, of Eliot House and Bowling Green, Ky., president; S. David Stulberg '65, of Claverly Hall and Kalamazoo, Mich., vice-president: Henry S. Koopmans '65, secretary: Richard C. Minzner '65, treasurer; Donald R. Adair '65, Suzanne C. Ellery '64, Jon S. Richardson '65, Daniel P. Santo Pietro '66, and Lynn M. Selker '65, members at large.
Tocsin: Stephen H. Johnson '64, of Dunster House and New York City, chairman; Jennifer Simon '64, of 124 Walker St. and New York City, vice-chairman; John E. Ehrenreich '63-4, secretary; David N. Socholitzky '65, treasurer; Barbara Easton '66, fifth executive member.
Harvard Hillel Society: Stephen M. Poppel '64, of Eliot House and Philadelphia, president; Mark A. Peppercorn '64, of Eliot House and Columbus, Ohio, vice-president; Harian J. Wechsler '65, secretary-treasurer.
Harvard Pre-Law Society: Jack I Garvey '64 of Leverett House and Chicago, president; Jeffrey S. Hoffman '64, of Leverett House and New York City, vice-president; Thomas D. Farber '64, secretary; William A. Humenuk '64, treasurer.
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