An HCUA proposal to allow intercollege dining between Harvard and Radcliffe on a sign-in basis has been rejected by the Committee on Houses. The group, which include the eight House Masters and the Deans, opposed the measure largely because of overcrowding in the dining halls and accounting difficulties.
David E. Owen, Master of Winthrop House, said that such a plan would only he realistic on guest nights and even then might "start lines all the way to the Yard." He indicated that the committee had had quite a discussion - "not acrimonious," however" - but said they concluded it would be "nice for young men to entertain their own dates."
Another member of the committee observed that the presence of additional girls would destroy the "sanctity" of the Harvard dinner hour. He insisted that it was impossible to have an intellectual discussion with girls because the subject always "gets to personalities."
Arthur D. Trottenberg '48, assistant dean of the Faculty for business affairs, said the matter was a "complex problem" but stressed that the dining halls are already overcrowded and "simply could not take any additional load." Because of the special-interest tables at various Hoses, he pointed out, about 180 ' Cliffies per month already dine at Harvard on as exchange basis "with the Master's blessings."
Alwin M. Pappenhfmer, Master of Dunster House, stated that he believed the anticipated financial complexities were largely responsible for the committee's opposition. He added, however, that "the Houses aren't co-educational.
Masters Uncertain
Most of the Masters seemed uncertain about the basic objections on which the committee acted. Said Master Owen, "the problem is still in an ambiguous state; there is a need for more discussion."
The HUCA proposal, which originated in a Council meeting in mid-November, won the support of all the Houses, with only minor modifications in some cases.
At Radcliffe, Mrs. Bunting intended her support for an intercollege dining program on a restricted basis. She suggested, however, that because the tendency would be for "Cliffies to eat at Harvard, it might be fair if all evening meals at the 'Cliffe were open to Harvard students.
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