
HCUA Criticizes Libraries' Inaction

The Harvard Council for Undergraduate Affairs last night condemned "the complete unreceptiveness of library officials" to a Council report last spring suggesting extensive improvements in Widener and Lamont.

A special resolution which was passed unanimously singled out the extension of hours in Widener Library as one constructive recommendation among many which had been totally rejected by Paul H. Buck, Director of the University Library. Last night's resolution urged officials to reconsider the HCUA proposals "as soon as possible."

In an unexpected development, the Council voted 11-3-1 a special resolution in response to the recent furor over Harvard's "sex scandal."

The statement asserted that "the HCUA recognizes the responsible behavior of the Harvard undergraduate community, and expresses regret that a distorted image of social behavior has been presented to the public by the news media."

In other business last night, the HCUA approved a contribution of $100 to the Toronto Enchange Program. The Council also approved plans for a public sale of abandoned motorcycles for the benefit of the Combined Charities Drive, and proposed a luncheon meeting with members of the administration to soothe strained relations, precipitated by the Corporation's room rent decision.
