Four Yale students have been beaten during the last two days in Mississippi, both by police and incensed southern citizens. The Yalies have been working in the mock gubernatorial campaign of Aaron Henry, president of the NAACP in the state.
In the most recent attack, graduate student Bruce Paine was attacked by a group of townspeople in Natchez last night. Earlier, Kenneth E. Klotz, a junior, and Richard N. Anders, a sophomore, were assaulted in Hattisburg. A police chief in Clarksdale broke the glasses of Frank Q. A. Heintz, a junior.
The acts of violence led to telegrams of protest to state government officials by Henry and Robert Moses, Aaron's campaign manager. They had already protested the arrest of several Yale students during the last week. At least five Yale students and two other members of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee were arrested on various charges.
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