
Disqualification Costs Crimson Sailing Trophy

A double disqualification prevented Harvard from winning the Hoyt Trophy Regatta held at Brown Sunday. The two division series was won by the Coast Guard with 82 points. Harvard followed with 31.

In an "A division" race, a double-protest was lodged by Harvard skipper Tim Prince and the Coast Guard captain. Both boats were disqualified by the Race Committee. If Harvard had won the protest or if both protests had been disallowed, Harvard would have gained the necessary points to win the series.

John M. Clapp crewed for Prince and Dave Stookey and Guy Carden were coskippers for Harvard in the "B division."

Yale and Williams will compete in the finals for the White Trophy as a result of eliminations held Saturday. Yale won with 26 points and Williams was second with 22. Harvard, which won the trophy last year, finished third with 25 points.


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