
Rugby Club Faces Tough Season

The fall version of any rugby team is a rather sparse affair. Football drains off many of its heavier and talented players leaving inexperienced and decidedly less meaty men to fill their places.

Combined with this depletion of ranks, the first practices of a fall season bring more problems to a struggling athletic club than even the usual weighty difficulties encountered by a college inter-collegiate team.

But the Harvard Rugby Club has always managed to conquer these obstacles and plans to turn out a respectable fifteen again this year.

The real problem is a lack of experienced players, but captain Dick Carey, ex-footballer Bill Pfieiffer and track sprinter Gage McAfee should case the situation somewhat. Veteran Mike Burbank, along with Bruce Caputo and Tom Molyneux boblster the back squad while John Damis at wing and Jon Dickinson at flyhalf will fill some key gaps, the Crimson a tough game.

But, while the three-quarter line seems fairly well off, the team is still weak in the scrum. Again, inexperience is the basic problem. Ray Vickers, secretary of the Club, is hopeful that practice will produce a better binding and lower riding scrum.


The Club's first match of the fall season is tomorrow against the New York Rugby Club, one of the East's strongest teams. New York always brings a full contingent of experienced players on its visits to Cambridge, and should give

In the coming weeks, Harvard will face Villanova, Holy Cross, Dartmouth, Boston Rugby Club, Princeton, and Brown.
