
HSA Behemoth Meets Setback

Eliot Mobs Food Man

The HSA met with a small setback Monday in its unwearying efforts to thrust service upon the Harvard community. Partisans of the Eliot House Grill descended upon Jonathan Trumbull '64, HSA food man, and harassed him to the point of stealing his food, burning Dustin M. Burke '52 in effigy, and liberating his food wagon. The vigilantes sought refuge in the Eliot House Chapel.

Because of the "abuse" heaped on him and because of small sales that night (three doughnuts, 15 cents), Trumbull announced that he would discontinue service to the House. Grill Manager Bruce R. Thomas '62-4 maintained a modest silence throughout the controversy. But Michael T. B. Dennis '64, Chairman of the Eliot House Committee, praised the House for successfully defending its honor against the "Monster to the North." "Physically," he said, "we have been violated; but socially and psychologically we have emerged from this struggle stronger than before."
