
Twelve Arrested On SNCC Drive

Robert Moses, chairman of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, and Allard Loewenstein, a former president of the National Student Association, were among twelve civil rights workers arrested yesterday in Indianola and Clarks-dale, Mississippi for their work in the gubernationial campaign of state NAACP president Aaron Henry.

Stephen M. Bingham, an executive of the Yale Daily News, was also among the arrested. They face charges of running a stop sign, violating curfew laws, or distributing leaflets without a permit. The last is the same charge used in earlier Indianola arrests.

Twenty-six student workers, including three Yalies, remain in jail, but Loewenstein, Moses, and Bingham have been released on bail.

Henry's campaign, which is being led by Moses, is an attempt to show the potential voting strength of Mississippi Negroes, if all were permitted to register.
