
State NAACP Head Enters Gubernatorial Contest in Mississippi

The president of the state NAACP, Aaron Henry, will be a candidate for governor of Mississippi next month, Allard Loewenstein, chairman of his advisory committee, announced in New York yesterday.

The Negro's candidacy is an attempt to prove that "if all citizens of Mississippi could exercise their right to vote, the present leadership would not be in power," Loewenstein told the CRIMSON.

Broad Appeal Planned

There will be a broad appeal for registered voters to write in Henry's name on the official ballot, and a private ballot will be conducted in Negro churches to show the potential influence of the disenfranchised public.

Henry was chosen by a recent convention of civil rights groups in Jackson, and he has the support of all prominent Negroes in the state. The campaign will be led by Robert Moses, chairman of the Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee, and Charles Evers, brother of the NAACP field secretary who was murdered early last summer.


Paul Johnson, a rabid segregationist, is the Democratic nominee for governor. Rubel Phillips, the Republican candidate, denounces Johnson as a "Kennedy tool."
