The speaking invitation to Alabama's Governor George Wallace will be reconsidered at a meeting of the Young Democratic Club Executive Committee tonight. Second vice-president Burt L. Rose '65 will introduce a new motion to extend an unconditional invitation to the Governor.
The Executive Committee decided in their Oct.3 meeting not to invite Wallace unless he agreed to debate with a faculty member or politician who opposed his segregationist views. Wallace has refused to meet any Harvard professor; no professor, he says, is of "sufficient national stature" to debate him. The Young Democrats have so far been unsuccessful in their efforts to get a Northern Democratic politician to debate with Wallace.
Want Wallace Alone
Several members of the Executive Committee now favor extending an invitation to Wallace without "strings attached," according to Ross. They hope a majority at tonight's meeting will favor allowing Wallace to speak alone.
Four of the five Committee members who favor an unconditional invitation to Wallace walked out of the Oct.5 meeting. As a result, the meeting lacked a quorum and the matter could not be brought up for re-discussion. According to Robert's Rules of Order, a matter which has been considered twice may not be brought up again - even in future meetings.
The proponents of the unconditional invitation now hope to gain a majority because of changes in the Committee's membership. Those favoring the unconditional invitation have also collected the
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