Beginning with the summer of 1964, all members of PBH's Project Tanganyika must participate for an entire year; previously, they could choose to teach in Tanganyika either for the summer or for the full year. The total number of participants will remain the same.
Alison Liebhafsky '64, director of the current program, feels the change may improve Project Tanganyika in several ways. First, because of the high initial cost of transportation and training, it will be more efficient to send all teachers for an entire year. Second, this increased efficiency may encourage corporation support.
Third, the Tanganyikan government offers more responsible positions to students participating for the entire year. And fourth, Miss Liebhafsky hopes that the "more serious commitment" required by a year-long program will attract a more dedicated group.
When Project Tanganyika was initiated in the summer of 1961, the entire group of 20 students worked in Tanganyika for the summer only. The following year, however, some of the students remained for the entire year. Many of Project Tanganyika's alumni have recommended that the program be continued exclusively on a year-long basis.
PBH anticipates no difficulty in finding enough qualified students to teach in the full year program. Last year about 30 students applied for this aspect of the program. The Project's leaders expect applications to increase as Project Tanganyika receives further publicity. They emphasize, however, that students who want to work for the summer only may still enter national projects such as Operations Crossroads.
Project Tanganyika is unique because it is organized entirely by students without any professional help. Leaders select participants largely on the basis of interviews with alumni of the program. All future teachers then undergo a training program throughout the spring before they leave. They participate in Swahili classes, a course in teaching method at the School of Education, and several discussion groups.
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