The Harvard Council for Undergraduate Affairs tonight recommended changes in the organization of the Freshman Jubilee Weekend, in the preparation and serving of Central Kitchen food, and in the elections of class marshals.
The HCUA adopted with one dissent a report of the Jubilee Study Committee which recommended holding Jubilee weekend at the same time as All-College Weekend. The committee was set up last year when the weekend lost $1700. The report also called for numerous special privileges for holders of expensive weekend tickets, and the use of promotional devices to increase ticket sales, which slumped badly last year.
Joseph M. Russin '64 raised several objections to the Council's Jubilee proposals. "You're cheating the freshmen out of a good time, since a number of them attend various House functions free on All-College Weekend," Russin said.
Several members of the Council pointed out that few freshmen could attend these House functions; that the Friday-night concert, a major feature of Jubilee Weekend, conflicted with no House functions and actually afforded upperclassmen a place to take their dates, and that upperclass presence at this concert would help finance the Jubilee Weekend.
Russin also spoke in favor of eliminating or drastically reducing the suggested $15 price of a weekend ticket. "You don't have to have a fantastic weekend with great entertainment, just a nice time," he said.
But Council members noted that small reductions in ticket prices had made little difference in attendance at previous Jubilee Weekends, while elimination of an admission charge would mean a disastrous drop in the quality of the entertainment provided.
In acordance with the results of a poll taken in the Lowell House Dining Room, the HCUA recommended greater variety in Central Kitchen menus, cleaner trays and silverware, better and more imaginative preparation of desserts, and possibly longer hours for dining halls.
The Council also agreed unanimously to several rules concerning the election of class marshals. A ban on campaign materials and personal campaigning near the ballot box on election day, a proposal to hold elections on lunch and dinner of the same day at each House, and a suggestion that no candidate should be involved with the administration of the election were all adopted.
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