
Pusey Names Dean Crooks As Future Dudley Master

Thomas E. Crooks '49, Dean of Special Students, will succeed Delmar Leighton as Master of Dudley House. Crooks will officially assume his new position on the first of July. Among his first duties will be relocating the commuter House.

The future master of Dudley House will continue to serve as Director of the Harvard Summer School of Arts and Sciences and of Education. He was designated to this post in 1960.

The new master has been associated with the University since 1949. After serving as Assistant Dean until 1951, Crooks was appointed Dean of Special Students and Assistant Director of the Summer School in 1956.

Though not yet instated as master, Crooks is already enmeshed in discussion concerning the future of Dudley House. To accommodate the completion of Holyoke Center, the center of Dudley House, situated on Dunster Street, is scheduled for demolition by July 1964.

Demolition Poses Problem


The immediate problem facing Crooks and University officials involves caring for Dudley House students once the demolition gets under way. The proposed demolition will remove the Junior Common Room and dining facilities.

But since Dudley House serves only as the center of educational, social, and athletic activities for non-resident students, the complication of providing dormitory facilities is avoided.

Crooks described the problem as "complicated" and "involving too many pieces." At present neither he nor the University has definite plans in mind, nor have they set a deadline for reaching a decision.

Beyond the problem of accommodating students during the demolition lies the question of a future Dudley House. In November officials had indicated a desire to remodel Lehman Hall to accommodate the commuters.

Lehman Hall Idea Fades

Since that time the administration has become perceptibly cooler to this suggestion.

Despite uncertainties concerning the immediate future of the house, Crooks adamantly asserts that "Dudley House will not disappear at all during the period of relocation," and certainly not after-wards. People have claimed that minor faults with Dudley House could be eliminated if the commuter students dined and integrated their activities with regular Houses.
