

CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY LECTURE SERIES: The last lecture in the Contemporary Philosophy Lecture Series will be given this Tuesday in Allston Burr B at 4 p.m. Henry Aiken, Professor of Philosophy at Harvard, will speak on "Prospects of Accommodation in Contemporary Philosophy."

INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OPEN FORUM: The last International Seminar Open Forum will be held this Wednesday in Allston Burr B at 8 p.m. The theme of this program is "Problems of East Asia." The members of the panel are Hamdan bin Sheikh Tahir, of Malay, member of the Ministry of Education in Kuala Lumpur; Masaya Miyoshi, of Japan, member of the Research Department, Federation of Economic Organizations, Tokyo; and Joonkyu Park of Korea, writer and lecturer and former member of the National Assembly, Following the forum the audience is invited to a reception at 6 Divinity Avenue.

STRATFORD TRIPCANCELLED The trip to Stratford has been cancelled because of undersubscription. Those persons who paid their deposits should come to Matthews 4 for a refund.

POETRY MANUSCRIPTS: Poetry Manuscripts can now be picked up in Matthews 4. The Summer School cannot, of course, be responsible for these manuscripts after Friday, August 25.

LAST YARD PUNCH: The last Yard Punch of the Summer School will be held this Wednesday from 3-5 in the Harvard Yard.


ALL STUDENTS: Monday, Aug. 13, The Beaux Arts Trio of New York, Sanders Theatre at 8:30 p.m. Open to the public without charge. Ravel- Haydn - Beethoven program.
