"Mademoiselle," a magazine for the smart young woman, has a bisexual appeal this week. For the second straight year is editors have invited the men of the Harvard Lampoon to publish a parody issue. The result, mad, if not very moiselle is now available at the newstands.
The cover promises stories on whats up, down, in and out among todays chic young ladies. Whats in is the "fresh young Carolyn Kennedy look...America's last fad in fun and finery; i.e. petite casualness, with just a touch of mischief." Whats awards, one of which goes to Mrs. Krobe Edusi. She wins the citation for courageous good taste in boudoir furnishings. Mrs. Edusi, the wife of Ghanas ex-Minister of Industry, purchased a gold-plated bed at the height of her country's austerity program.
This issue also has all the regular sections: features and fiction, fashion, beauty, college and careers, travel and departments.
One of the fictional episodes is by Amanda B. Recondwyth. The critics comment on the authors style of writing is "that this gal is unstoppable." The travel section features a story on the "boundless gravel grandeur of Plushwillow Park (L.I.) "The College and Careers Section offers a spoof on the peace corps, entitled "The Snuggly American," and a story on the Coca Cola junior College for Women:
The College That Asks The Question "Who?" C. C. J. W. is a highly exclusive school which tries to help its students conquer their identify problems. Dean Grenville Coca Cola boasts of the diversity of his student body: "No two women come from the same city or state." He is also justifiably proud of the 1:4 teacher student ratio at his institution. There are four students.
There is a great deal more of this. One swinsuit advertisement features a picture of a beautiful nude lying on the sane. The caption reads "How to be the one who's different, you, smiling that secret smile in Jetsam amazing water wearables, Miraculous Birthday Suit (design by House of Emperor) ends those soggy swinsuit blues."
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The Quad: Problems and An Alternative