
Radcliffe Approves Sign-Out Changes In Landslide Vote

In a college-wide referendum, 'Cliffies yesterday approved by a 500 to 200 margin the proposed changes in sign-out rules.

The changes will probably be made official now if, as seems likely, Mrs. Bunting acts on the recommendation.

The official vote was even more decisive than an earlier unofficial poll, in which the girls indicated a 400-200 preference for the new rules. The changes would permit any girl past the first eight weeks of her sophomore year to sign out to any hour.

Two Questions

Mrs. Bunting indicated that if the new rules were instituted, "two questions would immediately arise: can the students manage the responsibility in studies and other affairs, and if they can't will they change the rules back?"


"It would be unfortunate if anyone thought the Administration was not concerned with the social behavior or academic success of the students," she added.

She stated that while she was not bound by the results of the referendum, she was "extremely interested."
