
H.M.C. Raises Money For Mountain Cabin; Work Will Start Soon

The Harvard Mountaineering Club has cleared the first hurdle in its new cabin project--money. Now the Club is ready to proceed seriously on the construction job of the new cabin, to be located in Huntington Ravine on Mt. Washington.

According to Club officials, more than $1300 has been raised from alumni gifts, more than enough to pay for the cabin.

Work parties will begin construction activities on Mt. Washington June 2, and will continue sporadically throughout the month. Plans call for completing the new edifice in time for next fall's climbing schedule.

Anyone interested in working on the cabin should call Rick Millikan at EL 4-0059 for further information. Apparently the Club is interested in having 'Cliffies join in the fun. "We hope to work on the cabin in the daytime, and with the girls after dark" is the way one member described the construction program.
