

You there. Step studying Serbe-Creatian Bab for a moment. Swallow your mouthful of Wheat Chex and put down your spoon. For a morning's frivolous diversion, for a moment's respite in the long and wearying ordeal of examination time, for some--gosh, kids--good old-fashioned fun, we have prepared a very special treat for you. Feast your eyes! Acclimate yourselves to the exhilarating new trends that are sweeping our University: Secondary Schools (Percentage) Radcliffe  Public  Private  Foreign 1965 (approx.)  49  48  3 1966  59  37  4

Harvard  Public  Private 1965  56.0  44.0 1964  56.2  43.8 1963  55.2  44.8 1962  53.9  46.1 1961  50.1  49.9 1960  51.5  48.5 1959  52.6  47.4 1958  53.9  46.1 1957  53.3  46.7 1956  47.9  52.1

Geographical Distribution (No. of Students)   Harvard  Radcliffe   1964  1965  1966 Total Class  1210 (approx.)  270  321 N.Y.  173  51  83

Mass.  250-60  53  53 Calif.  62  23  25 Pa.  57  9  19 N.J.  53  16  18 III.  60  12  14 Conn.  60  13  12 Ohio  77  8

A colorful little race for public school students: in one grand lasp Radcliffe puts all Harvard's yearly inching to shame. And notice too that all the states sending big groups to Harvard do the same to Radcliffe--with the one glaring exception of Ohio. Conclusions, anyone?
