
Bunting Reorganizes System of Advising

Radcliffe College will reorganize the administrative activities of its Deans beginning July 1. President Bunting has announced that Kathleen O. Elliott, Dean of Instruction, will also be Dean of South House; that Catherine D. Williston, Associate Dean of Instruction, will be Dean of North House; and that Jacquelyn A. Mattfeld, Director of Financial Aid, will be Dean of East House.

The move is expected to strengthen the 'Cliffe advising system, because Deans will deal with essentially the same small group of students each year. Mrs. Bunting also expects the new plan to facilitate liaison between the Deans, the House Masters and Associates, the Head Residents, and the members of RGA.

Deans will neither live in their Houses nor use House offices, but will remain in Fay House. Each Dean will be in charge of about 350 undergraduates.
