
Unofficial Vote by R.G.A. Endorses Change in Rules

In an unofficial roll-call vote yesterday the Radcliffe Government Association strongly approved the Rules Committee's proposal to allow any student past the first eight weeks of her sophomore year to sign out until any hours.

The RGA voted 34 to 5 in favor of the change. All three Administration representatives approved the Rules Committee's suggestions, as did the two representatives from Briggs Hall, the dormitory earlier most critical of the proposal. five dissenting votes were cast by representatives from Cabot, Comstock, , Moors, and Jordan K.

The final vote will be held next week, Radcliffe College Council endorses the RGA constitution and by-laws before .

At the meeting yesterday, President Bunting promised "to expedite matters as possible." With the aid of the executives, she will draw up a constitution and submit it to the council members by letter. She noted, however, that "I can give you no guarantee as to when you'll get final action."

The constitution must state that the council has the power to over-rule or RGA decisions." President Busting declared, stressing that the governing board "cannot give away its ultimate responsibility for the College even if it to."

She also suggested the creation of a Board, "over and above the Board of Hall Presidents," to define and social probations and to decide whether or not a student should be expelled for violations of College rules.

The Judicial Board, composed of the President and the deans of the undergraduate College, the president of RGA, and the chairman of Board of Hall, would all cases referred to it by the Administration, Board of Hall, and dissatisfied students.
